Kaizala App - Inconsistent use of prepositions in groups (esES)

Iron Contributor

Description: Inconsistent use of prepositions in groups
Language: Spanish (esES)
Current Translation: No se ha agregado ningún participante
Suggestion: No se ha agregado a ningún participante
Reason: In the string below, "a" is used after "agregar," so I suggest using the same approach in the title as well.
English Source: No Participants Added

1. Launch the app.

2. Go to People.

3. Tap on New Group.

4. Enter a name and go forward until the Preview screen.
Platform: Android 6.0
Kaizala Mobile Version: 1.1.0002.1113

1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno

Thanks for the suggestion here. Our Spanish moderator will take a look and we will get back to you on it!
