Privately contacting Staff

Privately contacting Staff



 Sep 18 2018
2 Comments (2 New)

It may be a good idea to provide a link and/or a generic message attendee for less public messages to conference staff unless you would like our negative comments to be publicly read in this "submit an idea" forum.  They may still be posted in this area to help draw attention but at least attendees would have an option for more discreet communication methods.


This should be available both in the site and in the mobile apps.


The conference hasn't even started yet and there have been some disappointments found.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Not at this time.

@Shane Krummen


Thank you for the feedback, first of all our conferences have session evaluations which allows participants to provide feedback via that method and I would strongly suggest you use them, I am in meetings regularly where the learning points from the evaluations are discussed and used to shape conferences for future years.


Microsoft Ignite has it's own conversation space in the community and you can of course share feedback, good or bad, via that page. As for that feedback being public, we would rather hear feedback and then also see if other attendees shared the opinion as that helps us rank suggestions for up coming years.


This idea's space is more about making improvements to the Microsoft Tech Community. 


Thanks again for your continued participation in the community. 


Community Manager
Status changed to: Closed