Jun 05 2023 12:20 PM
You first need to create a new AzureAD tenant in the same location(s) where your MPN location(s) were set up.
Tip: Directly enable AzureAD Security Defaults when the new tenant was created to ensure compliance with the security requirements. And in order to avoid some occasional strange error when doing the enrollment later I'll recommend to set the email address of the "Technical Contact" in Azure Active Directory --> Properties to the email address of your support team (The support team's email address you will add later in the CSP registration form).
Then you use a global admin account created in the newly created tenant(s) to go through the Indirect enrollment: https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/pcv/register/joinnow/enrollmentwelcome/valueaddedreseller
Note: In here you will be asked to enter contact information for your support team - use the same email address as entered as technical contact email address.
During this CSP enrollment you will be asked to enter the MPN ID of an organization you want to link this new MPN account to - here you use the respective MPN location ID.
So then you have technically separate Partner Center accounts, but linked to the same MPN organization. Incentive Management for those new CSP enrollments will still happen in your Partner Center account were you manage MPN.
Jun 06 2023 09:54 PM
Jun 06 2023 11:50 PM
You don't need to create the new Azure AD/CSP tenant first because there is an option in the enrollment wizard https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/pcv/register/joinnow/enrollmentwelcome/valueaddedreseller
When running this wizard, absolutely Browse as Guest, very better isolated than In Private