Option to "lock out" Distributed pages during assessment?

Copper Contributor

Is there any way to "lock out" students from making further edits to their distributed pages during assessment?


At the moment, students can wait to complete work, ask those whose work has already been assessed, and edit their work before my assessment is complete, effectively nullifying a due date/deadline.

2 Replies

Are you distributing the pages from the Class Notebook attached to a Team, or a stand alone OneNote Class Notebook? The easiest way to do this would be to distribute the page as an attachment to an assignment in Teams. Make sure that you set a closing date for the assignment as well if you want to prevent further changes, but still allow late submissions. After the closing date, students will not be able to make changes to the page even if late submissions were allowed. Alternatively, don't allow late submissions and students shouldn't be able to edit the page after the due date. There is no way to lock distributed pages in the stand alone OneNote Class Notebook.

Hi Blair, yes I have been using the stand alone version of OneNote, but I have created a Teams group with the same students. I will try distributing as an attachment to a Teams assignment. Thank you!!