You do not have permission to view this directory or page while deploying Web APP in App service

Copper Contributor



I am trying to deploy a web app using azure pipeline, the release pipeline is run successfully and the application URL is also generated but when I try to access the app URL I am getting the below error  


You do not have permission to view this directory or page


I have googled about this quite a bit but all I can mainly see is that your application should have an Index file or webconfig file. I am not a developer and I took this with the developer and he has confirmed that, he is able to deploy it manually.  I am not quite sure what more can be done on this. I have also seen that there is a note that is prompted during the deployment as below, I wonder if this is related


NOTE: Run From Package makes wwwroot read-only, so you will receive an error when writing files to this directory.



Can anyone advise on this



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