Using docker-compose with pipeline

Copper Contributor



I am facing a strange situation with docker compose within a pipeline.


I have a project with two containers, back and front (and a third for network). 


With my pipeline i am able to use build and push images functions from Docker. my azure devops and azure are two distinct tenant. I connected my container registry through service connection and it works fine.

What i am looking for is to be able to down and up my images using docker-compose.


Here is my docker-compose content :


    image: [registry]
      - "3007:3007"
      - back

    image: [registry]
      - "ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:5009"
      - "5009:5009"
In my pipeline, my two steps down and up run and end with no error, but in reality nothing happened and i do not know why...
Any ideas ?
Thansk for your time
2 Replies

For me the solution should be in my context.


With i run my pipeline my context is :

/usr/bin/docker context ls
default * Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Finishing: context
I tried to created my own context to be connexted to my ressource group but the formula following is not working.
docker context create aci [name]--subscription-id [id] --resource-group [nameRG]
--> unknown flag: --subscription-id
Any ideas ?
any ideas ?