Unable to create service connection in Azure DevOps

Copper Contributor


I have created the devops organization & project, when i tried creating service connection, am getting the below error.


Failed to set Azure permission 'RoleAssignmentId: 73725129-a7b5-44b9-bb1f-3d38875c8131' for the service principal 'a98eff31-afb6-41c1-a55b-d39f8eef3855' on subscription ID '69db0c01-3104-4903-b27c-d97defe7ad76': error code: Forbidden, inner error code: RequestDisallowedByPolicy, inner error message Resource '73725129-a7b5-44b9-bb1f-3d38875c8131' was disallowed by policy. Reasons: 'Users will not be able to assign the restricted roles'. See error details for policy resource IDs. Ensure that the user has 'Owner' or 'User Access Administrator' permissions on the Subscription.

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