Set command (az --query difficulty

Copper Contributor

Hello friends,


i need some help to tweak my result run via powershell.


I want to show only the certificate name to make a smaller tab, but it just shows the entire id. The certificate name appears only at the end. This is also true of WAF policy.


And I also want to do a filter just by certificate name.


1 - It works, but I want to list just the certificate name (Certified_Company_xXxXx)


az network application-gateway http-listener list -g XPTO --gateway-name XPTO --output table --query "[?contains(protocol,'Https')].{Listiner:name, URL:hostName,}"


2 - It works, but I want to list just the certificate name (Certified_Company_xXxXx)


az network application-gateway http-listener list -g XPTO --gateway-name XPTO --output table --query "[?protocol=='Https' &&'/subscriptions/00000000/resourceGroups/ZZZZZ-EU/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/XPTO/sslCertificates/Certified_Company_xXxXx'].{Listiner:name, URL:hostName,}"


3 - It not works

az network application-gateway http-listener list -g XTPO --gateway-name XPTO --output table --query "[?contains(,'xXxXx')].{Listiner:name, URL:hostName,}"


az : ERROR: Invalid jmespath query supplied for `--query`: In function contains(), invalid type for value: None, expected one of: ['array', 'string'], received: "null"
No linha:1 caractere:1
+ az network application-gateway http-listener list -g XPTO- ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (ERROR: Invalid ...eceived: "null":String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

To learn more about --query, please visit: ''



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