ResourceNotFound with MSAL

Copper Contributor

I'm working on adapting a simple mail client to handle Azure accounts with OAuth2.

For now I'm playing with the MSAL4J sample app. I modified it to fetch the messages in my personal mailbox (, so basically I've replaced the scope "User.Read" with "Mail.Read", and changed the query URL to

I get the following error response:



{"error":{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"Resource could not be discovered.","innerError":{"date":"2021-07-23T18:39:07","request-id":"20d75a0c-fc4b-4e76-b156-96afa1c8132d","client-request-id":"20d75a0c-fc4b-4e76-b156-96afa1c8132d"}}}



I think the app has the necessary permissions, everything related to mails has been added, with admin consent = no and status = granted for the directory.

In Graph Explorer the query works fine after consenting to the required permissions.

What am I missing?


Thank you in advance.

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