References for Azure Resource Graph tables

Brass Contributor



I'm trying to query information from the Azure Resource Graph tables using Kusto. I'm working on the Azure Resource Graph Explorer, mainly querying the "resources" table. 


I was wondering if there's a reference page which shows the schema details and what each field is used for? It would make it easier for me to check what field(s) I need to include in my report.




1 Reply

Hi @JasonYeung,

here are some useful references that might help you:

1. Azure Resource Graph table and resource type reference:
This page provides a list of supported Azure Resource Manager resource types that each form a part of a table in Resource Graph. It also provides sample queries for each table.

Supported Azure Resource Manager resource types - Azure Resource Graph | Microsoft Learn

2. Overview of Azure Resource Graph:
This page provides an overview of Azure Resource Graph, including how it complements Azure Resource Manager and how it is kept current.

Overview of Azure Resource Graph - Azure Resource Graph | Microsoft Learn

3. Understand the query language - Azure Resource Graph:
This page describes Resource Graph tables and the available Kusto data types, operators, and functions usable with Azure Resource Graph.

Understand the query language - Azure Resource Graph | Microsoft Learn

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