LUIS.AI: Automated Machine Learning for Custom Language Understanding

Community Manager

Conversational systems are rapidly becoming a key component of solutions such as virtual assistants, customer care, and the Internet of Things. When we talk about conversational systems, we refer to a computer’s ability to understand the human voice and take action based on understanding what the user meant. What’s more, these systems won’t be relying on voice and text alone. They’ll be using sight, sound, and feeling to process and understand these interactions, further blurring the lines between the digital sphere and the reality in which we are living. Chatbots are one common example of conversational systems.


Chatbots are a very trendy example of conversational systems that can maintain a conversation with a user in natural language, understand the user’s intent and send responses based on the organization’s business rules and data. These chatbots use Artificial Intelligence to process language, enabling them to understand human speech. They can decipher verbal or written questions and provide responses with appropriate information or direction. Many customers first experienced chatbots through dialogue boxes on company websites. Chatbots also interact verbally with consumers, such as Cortana, Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Chatbots are now increasingly being used by businesses to augment their customer service.




Read more about it in the Azure blog.

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