IoTHub Unauthorised Response

Copper Contributor

We work with small handheld devices that send events and general info to our backend using Azure IoT Hub and MQTT with self-made SAS Tokens. On the 24th of September we received over 1 million Unauthorized responses when trying to connect to the hub, using our handsets that had not had any code/protocol changes. From there, the number of Unauthorized responses have dropped dramatically to be in the ten thousands, but we are still getting the Unauthorized response on handsets that have the correct provisioning info (keys, hub address). When discussing with Microsoft support team they have said it is due to an expired Sas token, but our Sas tokens have been regenerated and still the problem persists. They also said they didn't make any code/structural changes to the hub, but the sudden unexpected behavior persists. Has anyone had similar issues? We have regenerated Sas tokens, sent new keys and provisioning info, but any handsets we get back into our hands do not show the problem.

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