How to register license for MS Office through pipeline

Copper Contributor



 I am planning to use MS office in Azure VM in pipeline approach. Below is my flow

  1. have configured devops pipeline with Azure VM (VMSS). It contains VM image definition on below configuration
    a. OS: Windows Server 2022
    b. Location : East US
    c. OS State: Generalized

  2. I have installed MS office 2019 in VM like this approach and created VM image for pipeline works.

  3. Now, trying to use MS office (word or excel or anything) for some automation process. But, it is not activated with license key.

Tried Appium to pick UI element and enter license key through pipeline:
1. I have tried Appium APIs to pick the current window, buttons and text. Then, decide to click the button based on that. (OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.FindElementByXPath(string xpath))
2. I am facing privacy option window open again and again. (I figure out this by using printing the list of available text using Appium). Below is the text.
“Thanks for using Office! We've made some updates to the privacy settings to give you more control.
Your organization's admin allows you to use several cloud-backed services. You get to decide whether you use these services.
To adjust these privacy settings, go to
File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options
These optional cloud-backed services are provided to you under the Microsoft Services Agreement.”

3. Even I have tried to click close button, it clicked then again and again same window (Privacy option) opening.


The end requirement is, any possibility to apply license for MS office in VM image (created from Azure VM). Because, while creating VM the Appdata things (license, user data) are deleted.

2 Replies
I'm not an expert but it sounds like a trust center /privacy issues. Sounds like you need to configure the privacy controls for your 365 deployment. check this link

Hope it helps.
Thanks for your suggestion. But, I am trying to using MS Office in VM image (it doesn't deals with UI).
Also, I resolved this privacy issues in Virtual Machine and then create VM image.
It is reflected, suspect as like appdata (user information) these settings also deleted.