How GeekWire is serving the latest tech news to 2 million readers worldwide

Community Manager

Based in Seattle, Washington, GeekWire is a rapidly growing technology news site with a global readership. In addition to covering the latest innovation, GeekWire serves the Pacific Northwest tech community with events, a job board, startup resources, a weekly radio show, and more. As its popularity and site traffic increased, so did performance concerns. To gain better scalability and performance, GeekWire decided to migrate its WordPress site to the Microsoft Azure platform. By taking advantage of fully managed services like Azure Database for MySQL, the company can scale on-demand while cutting costs 45 percent.


Each month, up to 2 million people turn to the GeekWire website for the latest news on tech innovation. Now, GeekWire is making news itself by migrating its popular WordPress site to the Microsoft Azure platform. Anticipated benefits include better control and on-demand scalability with a 45 percent reduction in costs.




Read more about it here.

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