Jan 25 2022 06:20 AM - edited Jan 25 2022 06:21 AM
I want to run the below query in Azure cosmos .. but I am always getting error for the parameter ending with _s that its unidentified. Can anyone help on the same.
AzureDiagnostics | where TimeGenerated >= ago(24h) | where Category == "DataPlaneRequests" | summarize throttledOperations = dcountif(activityId_g, statusCode_s == 429), totalOperations = dcount(activityId_g), totalConsumedRUPerMinute = sum(todouble(requestCharge_s)) by databaseName_s, collectionName_s, OperationName, requestResourceType_s, bin(TimeGenerated, 1min) | extend averageRUPerOperation = 1.0 * totalConsumedRUPerMinute / totalOperations | extend fractionOf429s = 1.0 * throttledOperations / totalOperations | order by fractionOf429s desc