HDInsight Tools for VSCode integrates with Ambari and HDInsight Enterprise Secure Package

Community Manager

To provide more authentication options, HDInsight Tools for VSCode now can be connected to HDInsight cluster through Ambari for job submissions. You can easily link (HDInsight: Link a cluster) or unlink (HDInsight: Unlink a cluster) a normal cluster by using Ambari managed username and password, which is independent of your Azure signing process. The Ambari connection applies to Spark and Hive clusters  in all the Azure environments which host HDInsight services.


To support HDInsight Enterprise Secure Package (in preview), you can also connect to the secured cluster through domain username (e.g. user1@contoso.com). This connection is applicable for both traditional blob storage (WASB) or Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) as underlying storage. Once you connect to the secured  HDInsight cluster, you can use the signed in domain credentials for all you job submissions. 




Read about it in the Azure blog.

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