Global Load-Balancing an internal application

Copper Contributor

Hello - Is there an Azure native solution for global load-balancing internal private apps? For example, if I have an app-gateway in US East with a Private IP and an App-Gateway in US West with a Private IP, how do I load-balance between them? My understanding is that Traffic Manager is external/public facing only. Also the cross-region load-balancer appears to be public/external only (the option for Global is greyed out unless Public Tier is selected).



4 Replies




  • Cross-region frontend IP configurations are public only. An internal frontend is currently not supported.

oh...sry only read cross region .... if you use an internal than you just need an vnet in differnet regions with global peering... the LB just need to have a privat ip connection.. but you have some latency between the regions
Thanks for the Info. So it sounds like you are saying to deploy VM's in US East and US West....then create an LB with both of these VM's either in one pool or two pools? Can an LB have a pool with VMs in multiple regions? Is that correct? When I created a traffic manager profile with private endpoints....I noticed that the private endpoint IP's were published to public dns which made me realize that traffic-manager is an external only service.