GET Cross Project Pipeline Permissions on Resources

Copper Contributor

Hi all


Pipeline permissions: In the first instance of attempting to access a resource, we get a pop up to allow the pipeline to access it. Let's use a repository resource example: We have a pipeline to which we have granted the permission to access a repository. 


- If the YAML is placed within the same project as the repository, the permission into the repository is evident from the Pipeline Permissions section


- However, if the YAML is not within the same project, it will not be evident in this page.


Somewhere, somehow, ADO knows a pipeline in project Y has permission to access repository in project X (I assume as it does not re-prompts the same permission pop-up a second time). 

I tried to change the PROJECT id to the project ID of the external project, but no luck. 
Is there a way to obtain all the pipelines that are permission-ed into a repository, even if they are from other projects?




3 Replies

That does not retrieve *cross project* permissions. Are there any ideas that cover cross project pipeline permissions on repositories?
