Oct 13 2021 07:46 AM
I am new to azure. Would someone let me know what is the best way to exchange files between my desktop and azure?
Thanks in advance!
Oct 13 2021 09:11 AM
Hi @mail8mz
Assuming you want to move files from your local machine to an Azure Storage account and vice-versa, you can use the Storage Account Explorer. This has a nice GUI from which you can interact with all your storage accounts and storage types.
If you are confident with command-line options, you can also use the azcopy utility.
If you are looking at moving files to/from a Virtual Machine. Your remote desktop session should support Copy/Paste between your machine and the virtual machine. Not ideal for large files or many files, but it does work for a quick upload/download.
Otherwise, I would recommend using a Storage Account and mounting a File Share to both your local machine and the virtual machine(s). In that way, it acts like a network share common to your environment and any Azure resources that are connected to the storage account. Check out this tutorial here.
Welcome to Azure!
Oct 18 2021 03:48 AM