Different API response from different Azure Data Centers

Brass Contributor



We are using MS Graph to execute a series of Teams related operations.  In particular, we are trying to get the Chat Thread Id to send proactive messages.  From Postman, we are able to execute the following without any issues


beta/users/{user id}/chats?$filter=installedApps/any(a:a/teamsApp/id%20eq%20'{teams app Id}')


The response contained an x-ms-ags-diagnostic header, which carried the following information


{"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"South Central US","Slice":"SliceC","Ring":"4","ScaleUnit":"003","RoleInstance":"AGSFE_IN_18"}}


When we tried to repeat the call via a REST plugin in our automation platform, the call failed with a 404.  The response also contained an x-ms-ags-diagnostic header, which carried the following information


{"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"West Europe","Slice":"SliceC","Ring":"5","ScaleUnit":"000","RoleInstance":"AGSFE_IN_42"}}


It looks like the beta/users/{user id}/chats MS Graph API endpoint is not found in the West Europe data center?  Other calls in our automation platform (for eg. /v1.0/users or /beta/users/{user id}/teamwork/installedApps) are working fine though.  If this implies that there is an issue with the West Europe data center, is it possible to route traffic to a different data center programmatically?


Postman was executed locally on my machine, which is located in Asia while the automation platform is located outside of Asia.


Any advice?


Thank You


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