Connect your simulated device to your IoT hub using .NET

Copper Contributor

I went through the Microsoft tutorial "Getting Started with Azure IoT Hub"

link -


At runtime it gives the error - 

Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingCommunicationException occurred
Message=An error occurred during communication with ''. Check the connection information, then retry.
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.IteratorAsyncResult`1.RunSynchronously()
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Amqp.AmqpEventHubClient.GetRuntimeInformation()
at ReadDeviceToCloudMessages.Program.Main(String[] args) in E:\IoThub\IotHubGetStarted\ReadDeviceToCloudMessages\Program.cs:line 34

Inner Exception 1:
SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond


I am attaching screenshot of the exact position of error.

Please suggest a solution.


Thank you

6 Replies

Hi @Ramesh Krishnamurthy,


Please follow the example in this URL : Link. It will give you a better understanding.


Best Regards,





Thanks for the help. The issue is resolved.

Now I am trying to save the data from the previous tutorial to the azure storage account following the tutorial -


Running the code "index.js" (refer to the above link) separately saves the message, but the messages from my simulated device are received but not being saved.

What do you  think can be the reason? What am I doing wrong?

Following is the screenshot of Azure storage explorer.





I am giving you quick suggession till i check this. Please share a screenshot of your code.


My Suggession is use Stream Analytics without code. Please follow the quick steps here you will be able to search and find tutorials in web.


01. Create a Stream Analytics

02. Select your IoT Hub as the Input

03. You can choose blob / sql or PowerBi,

04, Write a function query , as what you want to output as a example you can say SELECT * means all the inputs comming from IoT Hub to your OutPut.

05. By this way you can avoid unnecessary data comming through your Hub.


This is a qucik reply to give you an idea,


Best Regards,








PFA the code for simulated device.


Meantime get this code from github, URL :
. It has all three programs which i wrote.

Double confirm the name of your registered device and the name in your telemetry (Data Sending Program) are same.

Best Regards,


Sender and receiver are working fine but the only problem is the storage of data.

Thank you