Being a Global Administrator in Azure portal I am unable to configure Continuous Delivery Preview

Copper Contributor

Logged into Azure portal--> App Services-->Selected the Project-->Continuous Delivery Preview

I see error message "You do not have enough permissions on this App Service to setup Continuous Delivery. Learn More:" and Configure button is disabled. I am the Global Administrator and why I don't had the permissions to configure, where I can assign those access.

Error message

Failed to set Azure permission 'RoleAssignmentId: 9****a' for the service principal '2****3' on subscription id '****': error code: Forbidden, innner error code: AuthorizationFailed, inner error message The client 'my mail Id' with object id '***** does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' over scope '/subscriptions/*****'. For troubleshooting refer to link

1 Reply

Hi, @Sandeep Tammisetty!

Had this issue as well,
please try the following:

1. Turn off all checkboxes in Azure DevOps project settings (Azure DevOps -> Project Settings -> Settings), like this "Limit job authorization scope to the current project for non-release pipelines"




 2. Try to assign Owner permission to your user (you can Elevate your permissions using this guide:

Hope that it will help you.
Dmitry Kutetsky.