Bad Gateway Error - SharePoint connector in Azure Logic Apps

Iron Contributor

We are  using a SharePoint connector in Azure Logic Apps Designer. It supposed to work smoothly but recently noticed that all our existing apps failing the SharePoint connector. The "Bad Gateway" error appeared across 3 separate tenants (Issue is intact in all tenants). 


Bad Gateway-Azure Logic AppsBad Gateway-Azure Logic Apps

Used the workaround of “putting the folder/library link manually in the field” - Although this might work for triggers, it does not work for the SharePoint file create action.


I get this error: { "status": 400, "message": "Library does not exist in this site. Make sure that you pick an existing library to create your file or folder in.\r\nclientRequestId: 5a6b2dcd-d690-4f78-8c57-f65339ce0de8\r\nserviceRequestId: c23d4f9f-30c3-a000-f353-db1664632f34", "error": { "message": "Library does not exist in this site. Make sure that you pick an existing library to create your file or folder in." }, "source": "" }


Nevertheless, SharePoint connector in PowerAutomate works well. 


Any insights are really appreciated ! 


3 Replies

@manojviduranga were you able to resolve this issue.






Yes it was resolved in a few days after reporting to Microsoft via a support ticket. 

Hi Manoj,
Could you please share the resolution steps to fix the issue.
I am also facing similar issue.