May 19 2021 12:17 AM
How to import .csv file to Azure Redis cache manually through portal or powershell?
I am getting below exception when I tries to import. looks like its expecting .rdb file which I am not aware of.
Import-AzRedisCache: One of the SAS URIs provided could not be used for the following reason: The data contained within the selected blob is not in a format supported by the Redis Import operation. Please select a blob in the Redis RDB file format. As an example, a blob that was generated using the Azure Redis Export feature would bein the correct format.
May 20 2021 07:23 AM
May 31 2021 09:01 AM
I need to upload half million records. I have also created a web application to convert csv data to json and used StringSet() to import data under Redis cache. For 1000 records it was working fine but for half million records it was giving below error
"An unknown error occurred when writing the message" for StackExchange package