Azure Pipeline - Tasks seems to run on different containers, how to make all them share same

Copper Contributor

I have the following YAML


# .NET Desktop
# Build and run tests for .NET Desktop or Windows classic desktop solutions.
# Add steps that publish symbols, save build artifacts, and more:

- master

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

- group: 'CertPass'


- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
  displayName: Download Pfx
  name: myCertificatePfx
    secureFile: ventasmlcert.pfx
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
  displayName: Download sni
  name: snInstallPfx
    secureFile: SnInstallPfx.exe    

- task: PowerShell@2
    SN_INSTALL_PFX: $(snInstallPfx.secureFilePath)
    MYCERTIFICATE_PFX: $(myCertificatePfx.secureFilePath)
    targetType: 'inline'
- task: NuGetToolInstaller@1

- task: NuGetCommand@2
    restoreSolution: '$(solution)'

- task: VSBuild@1
  displayName: 'Build .csproj file'
    solution: '$(solution)'
    platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
    configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'

- task: VSTest@2
    platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
    configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'

Because my solution has different projects that are strongly signed with a PFX certificate I have first to add the certificate to the machine. Then the solution build happens but what I saw is that the Container name for the Certificate task is different for every project that is built.

When I run the PowerShell script for the certificate the output is:

The key pair has been installed into the strong name CSP key container 'VS_KEY_2211CE6F0D92996F'. VS_KEY_2211CE6F0D92996F Finishing: PowerShell 

And in the solution build task I get errors related to the PFX because it couldn't be found because every project compilation seems to be running on different containers:


Project A error:

 Error MSB3325: Cannot import the following key file: ***cert.pfx. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate again or manually install the certificate to the Strong Name CSP with the following key container name: VS_KEY_71452E506F1E61FB 

Project B error:

 Error MSB3325: Cannot import the following key file: ***cert.pfx. The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate again or manually install the certificate to the Strong Name CSP with the following key container name: VS_KEY_1789CEF560C2266D 

So if you see the Powershell executes the certificate in a conatiner VS_KEY_2211CE6F0D92996F, then Project A is compiled in a container VS_KEY_71452E506F1E61FB and Project B in a container VS_KEY_1789CEF560C2266D


Any clue on how to make all my tasks execute in the same container?

1 Reply

@alexvazquez I have the same issue - did you manage to resolve?