Azure backup Failed

Copper Contributor




I've installed the Azure Backup Client on a server 2008 R2 build.

when I try and run the backup it starts to run then fails with the following error message:

Backup could not be started because of virtual hard drive NO_Param. Ensure that the scratch space configured for backup is located in an unencrypted and uncompress folder. Restart Virtual Disk service and retry backup operation. (0x086c5)



Please help me I have attached the log.




Sandip Saha

4 Replies

Hi @sandinetcom 


Any pending updates on the Windows server 2008?

Have you rebooted the server after installation of Azure Backup client?

Any security / AV software installed on the server? If yes, what product?


Thank you,



Its  may be for the following


1. The computer to be backed up is waiting to be restarted.

Check for the following logs:

HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Installer \ InProgress
HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ PendingFileRenameOperations





Hi may be you can restart the server and verify firewall / antivirus logs if there is no blocker

Dear All,


Thanks for your time and help


I install all security update.

change registry as per suggestion

uninstalls our TrendMicro antivirus.

But my problem still the same.



Please help.


