Jun 25 2021 11:19 AM
Uploading a pfx certificate to listener fails with no obvious error message and just gives a message 'error occurred' And the it won't et delete the failed listener as its port has been added to frontend. Can't modify anything except deleting the gateway entirely. Modification gives the error 'Failed to save configuration changes to application gateway 'appgtw'. Error: Data must be specified for Certificate'
Jun 25 2021 05:00 PM
Jun 25 2021 07:56 PM
@Luke Murray Well it worked finally, but this is what happened. I have a wildcard certificate which is in .p12 format. I imported to windows and exported it as pfx every time with AES encryption. When it worked i had to change the encryption to 3des. Don't know why gateway would not accept AES. And in the process I had deleted and recreated gateway multiple times, but it would always error out while creating HTTPS listener. and then i am unable to make any changes and it would keep giving error. using 3des encrypted cert had no issue.
Jun 26 2021 02:46 PM