Jun 21 2019 08:46 AM
Any timeline when WVD will be available in AU Central region?
Jun 21 2019 10:58 AM
So far WVD has limited availability across Azure regions https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/global-infrastructure/services/?products=virtual-desktop
Unfortunately, no one can provide any time-scale. It all depends on Microsoft demands in that region and available resources. I would recommend you to check above link more often.
Thank you
Jun 22 2019 11:28 AM
@Deleted I'm curious. I'm successfully deploying Windows Virtual Desktop in West Europe but according to the list you link to it's not listed.
Am I not in fact deploying to West Europe?
Jun 22 2019 12:05 PM
According to Microsoft, during public preview, desktops and apps can be deployed on virtual machines (VMs) in any Azure region, and the management solution and data for these VMs will reside in the United States (US East 2 region). This may result in data transfer to the United States while you test the service during public preview. Microsoft will start to scale out the management solution and data localization to all Azure regions starting at general availability.
Thank you
Jun 23 2019 02:40 AM
@Deleted OK, thanks for clarifying.
Jun 24 2019 04:47 PM
@Admin O365 GA to AU East (only) is H1 2020...
Jun 25 2019 03:50 AM
@Peter_Haigh When is GA planned for Europe?