Need report for WVD

Copper Contributor

Hello Experts, 


Need your help if any 3rd party tool or Azure Monitor or Log analytic can give me following report as it is requested by management. 


Stability of the virtual workstaion
Grapics Access performance
Session opening time.


Your help very much appreciated.




6 Replies
If you enable insights it can give you some really good information but you may want to set a limit on daily data ingest and retention otherwise it’s a little costly.
Microsoft has an agreement with Liquidware to do this with licences of Stratusphere UX for enterprise sized customers, you may qualify. Check this out for info on the program
The builtin log analytics / insights setup mostly answers 2 of these.
Stability - has any app crashes, connection issues etc
Session opening time - has latency, how long sessions are open per day / week

Haven’t seen gfx reports but likely possible

Thanks for answer. I will check.
Thanks on this. I will surely check on it.
Thanks for reply.