How do I view the WVD image license?

Copper Contributor

I created my infrastructure, and can't remember what image I used from the gallery for the hosts in the host pool.  I can't, for the life of me, see what they are licensed for, and I need to add Outlook to them.  I'd really like to see what I chose, then update to include Office ProPlus so I get Outlook.



1 Reply

@garlandtech the best way to see what has been deployed is to go to the Resource Group where the session host VMs are. Click on deployments and look at the log. You must see entry starting with vmCreation-linkedTemplate click on that click the Template and then Parameters in there you will see the image being referenced


 "artifactsLocation": {
        "vmImageVhdUri": {
        "storageAccountResourceGroupName": {
        "vmGalleryImageOffer": {
        "vmGalleryImagePublisher": {
        "vmGalleryImageSKU": {