Hostpool AgentHealthStatus Diagnostic not sending data to Log Analytics

Brass Contributor

I've recently discovered a somewhat new-ish Diagnostic Setting on the host-pool level that should report the Agent status. Which is great since I'm interested if it's available or not in order to trigger an alert that informs me that a host is not connectable anymore):  AgentHealthStatus


I've configured it to send data to Log Analytics and to a Storage Account.

Currently, only the Storage Account is receiving logs (which indeed shows the agent status). However, more than 12 hours later I'm still not seeing any data in Log Analytics (the WVDAgentHealthStatus table doesn't exist either). The other tables are receiving logs as expected (such as WVDErrors).


I've tried this on another subscription and it doesn't seem functional there as well. 

Am I missing something? Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Or is there another method to alert on agent availability?






Query not finding data:



Logs in Storage Account:



Logs content which show the status as expected:




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