Oct 01 2019 08:18 AM - edited Oct 01 2019 08:20 AM
I'm currently trying to deploy a Windows Virtual Desktop environment following this article: create-host-pools-powershell
I'm deploying with Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, Version 1809 - ImageSku 19h1-evd.
I've followed the above instructions to the letter, but i get the following when trying to launch the session "We couldn't connect to the gateway because of an error. If this keeps happening, ask your admin or tech support for help."
If I run Get-RDSSessionHost, it returns no value.
When I run qwinsta
I've noticed that other users have experienced issues with missing Side by Side Stack
Has anyone got this working with the latest version of Win 10 Enterprise multi-session (1809)? I've disabled GPO, firewall, to no avail.
Please help.
Oct 01 2019 09:02 AM
After finding the enablesxsstackrc.ps1 file and running it, i'm now getting this error:
ErrorSource : RDBroker
ErrorOperation : AuthorizeUser
ErrorCode : -2146233088
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedUserNotAuthorized
ErrorMessage : User is not authorized to access the resource ≤mth://localhost/4b0d95fc-ecb6-41da-9919-25c9c3246588/761af1d8-b8c1-4211-ff56-08d746461a2e≥
ErrorInternal : False
ReportedBy : RDGateway
The User account is synced via Azure AD and has priviledges to access the VM directly (tested it)
I've also tried removing the user with remove-RdsAppGroupUser and re-adding, to no avail.
Oct 01 2019 09:06 AM
Tried from Firefox (was using IE)
Getting this error:
ErrorSource : RDBroker
ErrorOperation : LookupSessionHostPool
ErrorCode : -2146233088
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedNoHealthyRdshAvailable
ErrorMessage : Could not find any SessionHost available in specified pool = ≤hostpool name≥, due to either: sessions are not allowed, no healthy host (RDAgent did not report health information), session limit reached on all SessionHosts in the
pool or the pool is empty. Run Get-RdsHostPool and Get-RdsSessionHost cmdlets to get more information.
ErrorInternal : False
ReportedBy : RDGateway
Oct 01 2019 09:16 AM
@Matt88 : How did you go about setting up your host pool? Were you using the Azure Marketplace, the GitHub ARM template, or through manual processes?
Oct 01 2019 09:19 AM
Oct 01 2019 09:47 AM
@Matt88 : You shouldn't need to run any "enablesxsstackrc.ps1" anymore. Were you using this guide to install the correct agents: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/create-host-pools-powershell ?
Oct 01 2019 09:51 AM
Oct 01 2019 12:06 PM - edited Oct 01 2019 12:07 PM
I've just tried reploying everything and changing the O/S image to use Server 2019 Datacenter.
Same issue with with Get-RdsSessionHost -TenantName <tenant> -HostPoolName "<hostpool> returning nothing.
There was an additional error in the eventlog with the RDAgentBootLoader:
BootLoader exception:System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: Could not resolve a service of type 'Microsoft.RDInfra.ScheduledTasks.HostedServiceExecutor' for the parameter 'hostedServiceExecutor' of method 'Configure' on type 'Microsoft.RDInfra.RDAgent.Service.Startup'. ---> System.ArgumentException: IDX12739: JWT: '[PII is hidden. For more details, see <a href="<a href="https://aka.ms/IdentityModel/PII" target="_blank">https://aka.ms/IdentityModel/PII</a>" target="_blank"><a href="https://aka.ms/IdentityModel/PII</a" target="_blank">https://aka.ms/IdentityModel/PII</a</a>>.]' has three segments but is not in proper JWS format.
Currently getting both this error
ErrorSource : RDBroker
ErrorOperation : AuthorizeUser
ErrorCode : -2146233088
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedUserNotAuthorized
ErrorMessage : User ≤aaduser≥ is not authorized to access the resource ≤mth://localhost/4b0d95fc-ecb6-41da-9919-25c9c3246588/0d20d098-f771-4e6b-7426-08d7463e4495≥
ErrorInternal : False
ReportedBy : RDGateway
Time : 01/10/2019 20:01:09
and this error
ErrorSource : RDBroker
ErrorOperation : LookupSessionHostPool
ErrorCode : -2146233088
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedNoHealthyRdshAvailable
ErrorMessage : Could not find any SessionHost available in specified pool = ≤hostpool≥, due to either: sessions are not allowed, no healthy host (RDAgent did not report health information), session limit reached on all SessionHosts in the
pool or the pool is empty. Run Get-RdsHostPool and Get-RdsSessionHost cmdlets to get more information.
ErrorInternal : False
ReportedBy : RDGateway
Oct 01 2019 01:37 PM
@Matt88 : Do you have any firewalls that would limit outbound connectivity? The error of "NoHealthyRdshAvailable" makes sense if Get-RdsHostPool didn't return anything.
It largely looks like it can reach the service or there's something on the image that is preventing the right DLLs to be loaded at registration time.
Oct 02 2019 01:56 AM
@Christian_Montoya - I don't have any problems getting out to the internet
I've tried psping rdbroker.wvdselfhost.microsoft.com:443 and rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com and both work fine.
Oct 02 2019 03:04 AM
It works fine when using the Martetplace deployment using Windows 10 enterprise. The manual process just doesn't work right now.
SessionHostName : sessionhost.name
TenantName : tenant.name
TenantGroupName : Default Tenant Group
HostPoolName : hostpool.name
AllowNewSession : True
Sessions : 0
LastHeartBeat : 02/10/2019 09:40:38
AgentVersion : 1.0.833.5
AssignedUser :
OsVersion : 10.0.18362
SxSStackVersion : rdp-sxs190905003
Status : Available
UpdateState : Succeeded
LastUpdateTime : 02/10/2019 09:41:06
UpdateErrorMessage :
Oct 03 2019 04:55 PM
@Matt88 : Can you re-run the Get-RdsSessionHost cmdlet and see if the version of the AgentVersion updated?
Oct 05 2019 08:21 AM
@Christian_Montoya- I've managed to create my own custom template and now only use the DSC scripts from the Marketplace/Github versions and it all works great.
I had to get this solution working, so i had to tear down my manual attempts.
My custom template + DSC scripts are deploying Server 2016.
i noticed SxS was there when i ran qwinsta in my working deployment.
Oct 07 2019 10:29 AM
@Matt88 : Is there any large gap between your solution and the one provided in that GitHub repo that we should be addressing?
Nov 19 2019 11:56 AM