Error deploy Windows Virtual Desktop

Copper Contributor

I'm trying to deploy Windows Virtual Desktop I have a Free Subscription. I made sure complete all steps to deploy correctly; my steps were:

  1. Create a Resource Group and Virtual Network called DomainService-net
  2. Created an Azure AD Domain Service.
  3. Created a VMs with Windows Server 2019 and deploy an Active Directory also install Azure AD Connect.

4.The domain was Synchronized successfully with Azure AD.

  1. I granted access to my ID AD on with Server app and Client App
  2. Into the Azure AD Domain > Enterprise Application> Windows Virtual Desktop and Windows Virtual Desktop Client I added roles like owner and tenant creator
  3. Created a VMs with Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session   Office 365, in that machine I wrote the followings cmdls in PowerShell ISE

<Install-module -name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowershell>

<Import-module -name Microsoft.RDInfra.RDPowershell>

<New-RdsTenant -AadTenantId <MyADID> -AzureSubscriptionId <MyIDSubs> -Name MiguelORG>


Next I go to azure portal into marketplace select Window Virtual Desktop Pool and proceed to fill the requeriments.


* Hostpool Name = DesktopPool

* Location = EastUS

* Desktop type = pool

* Usage Profile = Medium

* Image OS Version = Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session   Office 365.

* Disk Type = Premium SSD

* AD Domain Join UPN = My on-promise user with Global Administrator and User Administrator roles.

* Virtual Network = The same virtual network and subnet where is my domain server.

* Windows Virtual Desktop tenant group name = Default tenant group

* Windows Virtual Desktop tenant name = MiguelORG

* Windows Virtual Desktop tenant RDS Owner = UPN

* UPN = My on-promise user with Global Administrator and User Administrator roles.


At the end I received this message. The template deployment 'rds.wvd-provision-host-pool-20191101234128' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is 'ea249dd8-371b-4495-a78e-50deb4628612'. See inner errors for details.



I did this process 3 time and each one that give me the same error, If I doing something wrong please help me to resolve this problem.


Regards Miguel Guevara

3 Replies



I am receiving the same error.  I followed pretty much the same procedure as you.  The only difference is my resource group is in West US 2 and I have not added a virtual machine domain controller.  I am using the owner of my tenant, stood up Azure Active Directory Domain Services.


I also tried using a Service Principal per this article

 and received the same result.  I have also attempted to create the other 3 image templates in the gallery and received the same error.


My next test is to add the domain controller in..



I figured it out.  I resized the virtual machine to a 2vcpu/4gb image and everything worked.  The free subscription only allows you 4 cores in your tenant.  


I tried to deploy an image from the  WVD Github site   It also failed but gave an error with more information.


Also, I did not stand up a domain controller and use Azure Active Directory Connect. I just used Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

Thank you for you answer, I did your configuration unfortunately received the same error

(The template deployment 'rds.wvd-provision-host-pool-20191101234128' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is 'ea249dd8-371b-4495-a78e-50deb4628612'. See inner errors for details.) so I'd like to ask you, In which region did you do deploy WDV? and thank you so much for your attention!
