Sep 19 2019 10:58 AM
I've created a WVD pool, but when I log in to the WVD client or webclient and double click the pool name, I get the error below. I opened 3389 to VM to verify it's up and running
Sep 19 2019 11:01 AM
Sep 20 2019 01:47 AM - edited Sep 20 2019 01:50 AM
Hi @ramitadros ,
You could check what is going wrong using the Get-RdsDiagnosticActivities cmdlet:
Filter out the Connection attempt, get the Detailed logging (using the -Detailed parameter) and expand the Errors property
Sep 20 2019 06:23 AM
@michawets this is what i get
ErrorSource : RDBroker
ErrorOperation : LookupSessionHostPool
ErrorCode : -2146233088
ErrorCodeSymbolic : ConnectionFailedNoHealthyRdshAvailable
ErrorMessage : Could not find any SessionHost available in specified pool = ≤poolE≥, due to either: sessions are not allowed, no healthy host (RDAgent did not report health information), session limit reached
on all SessionHosts in the pool or the pool is empty. Run Get-RdsHostPool and Get-RdsSessionHost cmdlets to get more information.
ErrorInternal : False
ReportedBy : RDGateway
Time : 9/20/2019 9:11:36 AM
So I ran Get-RdsSessionHost:
SessionHostName :
TenantGroupName : Default Tenant Group
HostPoolName : poolE
AllowNewSession : True
Sessions : 0
LastHeartBeat : 9/19/2019 5:50:04 PM
AgentVersion : 1.0.1345.5400
AssignedUser :
OsVersion : 10.0.18362
SxSStackVersion : rdp-sxs190816002
Status : SxSStackListenerNotReady
UpdateState : Succeeded
LastUpdateTime : 9/19/2019 4:11:19 PM
UpdateErrorMessage :
Can it be that I didn't install the RD agent before i create the image. But I did install it after while trying to resolve this issue?
Sep 20 2019 11:58 PM
Oct 07 2019 11:34 AM
I'm re-installed agent and bootloader, but still getting a
Status : SxSStackListenerNotReady
when running Get-RdsSessionHost. Do I need to isntall any additional agents?
Nov 25 2019 08:48 PM
I have the exact same problem. IT did uninstall and reinstall the agent, and the became "Available" for few minutes, but turned back to "SxSStackListenerNotReady". I created a deployment of 5 VMs from a template. I created a host pool from the market place templatesm and no problem. I I try to add a VM from an image to that pool, I get the same "SxSStackListenerNotReady" error.
Feb 06 2020 07:12 PM
Hi! I finally contacted support, and after a few weeked, we found that my VM template was using Windows 10 Pro, and not Enterprise. The Microsoft support guy told me that Windows 10 Pro IS NOT supported with WVD. So I rebuilt my VM template with Windows 10 Enterprise, and of course... NO PROBLEM, never. What edition of Windows 10 were you using?
May 28 2020 12:18 AM
Old thread but getting the same issue as OP. However I haven't gone the path of manually installing the WVD Agent to fix it, as the goal will be this needs to automatically work to host (potentially) 500'ish users accross VMs of a type to be determined.
Using the multi-session image with Office 365 we are customising it by installing additional apps and policies as we go about testing and validating things.
Running Win 10 E so it's not an issue there... advice?