Automate AVD ARM template deployment with inline parameters.

Brass Contributor

Hello all,

We use persistent desktops in AVD, and currently I have created custom templates, which customize the gallery image as per our requirements (Using custom script extensions) it works well in production. 

Just by selecting few parameters you get the machines spin-up. 

the parameters are as below.

1. SAS tokens

2. VMinitial number

3. VM instance number

4. hostpool token.


These are currently generating this parameters and spining up the machines.


Now, that approach I wanted is to automatically deploys the template, when the unassigned machine count in hostpool is less than a specific number.

So, started working on powershell stuff to get the above parameters and configured in runbook.

The plan is to schedule a runbook that checks if the unassigned machine count is lesser, it should using the custom template and generate it's parameters and deploy the machines.


Overall story is above- now time for question.

What are the ways we can pass the inline parameters which creates by powershell in runbook to ARM template?

Logic apps?

I am finding difficulties in passing the parameters to the custom template.


Please let me know the best way or a document that can help me to setup this kind of.

Thanks in advance :)


@ciraltos #Azure, #ARM #template.

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