Mar 19 2020 05:16 AM
Apologies in advance if this is documented somewhere - please point me elsewhere if I've not found the right document!
I have inherited a Windows Virtual Desktop environment and have Azure AD Global Administrator entitlement etc. I have TenantCreator priviledge but do not appear to have access to the existing tenant.
Is there a "super" account that can be used to force ownership ? The creator of the tenant has since left our organization so their account has been removed.
When I log in as global admin I get the usual return from Add-RdsAccount showing the "Default Tenant Group" but Get-RdsTenant returns nothing and when I try Get-RdsTenant with the name of the Tenant it shows the standard "Get-RdsTenant : User is not authorized to query the management service." etc.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Oct 14 2021 03:14 AM
Oct 14 2021 03:18 AM
Oct 14 2021 03:23 AM