SSO for windows 365 Remote Desktop iOS app

SSO for windows 365 Remote Desktop iOS app



 Jan 10 2023
1 Comments (1 New)

Why? Why? Why?


iOS Remote Desktop app will use mothers authentication to launch windows 365 cloud pc, but will not pass credentials to the machine?


how can we go passwordless without this?  Why is this not a priority?


cloud PCs should be built with SSO and passwordless setup from the start.  How can i push this to a sec op team when we’ve adopted a passwordless strategy??



Copper Contributor

Hard to believe MS has no way to use Windows 365 cloud PC ios RD Client with a passwordless strategy.  agree, why is this not on anyone’s radar?  It’s not even mentioned in roadmap.  It’s 2023!  Microsoft coined the term “passwordless” - why can this be enabled and triggered by MS authenticator App?  Just redirect the signin with web based auth!