screen is covered partially on MacBook Pro 2021 by Menu bar with notch bar

screen is covered partially on MacBook Pro 2021 by Menu bar with notch bar



 Dec 27 2021
2 Comments (2 New)

on MacBook Pro 2021, there is a notch bar on top of screen, and in full screen mode, remote desktop screen is always covered by menu bar:

Screen Shot 2021-12-27 at 15.52.24.png


I found if no external display, this issue could be fixed by checking "update the session resolution on resize" option, but if there are external displays, this option is disabled, there is no way to fix this issue.  

Copper Contributor

This is also present on non-notch macOS with menu bar present in full screen. It's like Remote Desktop expects the height of the display to be the height of the screen, and not the height of the available window frame ( screen height minus menu bar height ). This is with "update session resolution on resize" enabled.