In our robotics program, we routinely use Remote Desktop to access Windows PCs over telemetry links. These links may be Wifi, other licensed internet radios, Iridium, Starlink etc. To keep things safe, we have to very carefully manage the bandwidth Remote Desktop consumes. We we don't it can over-whelm the channel, preventing safety critical control data from getting to the robot, or real-time video and other data streams from getting from the robot to the operator. So we desperately need the ability to set a maximum bandwidth, and it seems to us that recent version of Windows Remote Desktop (for Windows or Mac), has removed the ability to specify the type of link and bandwidth RDP will consume. Please restore the ability for users to manage the bandwidth consumed by RDP, and don't assume that just because it is not taking all the available bandwidth, that it isn't having a detrimental impact on the network. Thanks.