Trigger publish error Insufficient permissions to call this API.

Copper Contributor

I have create trigger for schedule run pipeline but after publish it shown
"Insufficient permissions to call this API. b709b3ff-7fd4-4d33-a61b-13ec9df83db0 does not have Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/credentials/useSecret/action on scope workspaces/skldevsynapse/credentials/WorkspaceSystemIdentity"

then trigger is show status "Stopped" and not run. somone help me please.

3 Replies
I have the same issue. Appreciate if anyone knows how to resolve this
I managed to solve this.

the service principal was given Contributor rather than Synapse Admin. According to the role overview, this particular permission is only possible as administrator

The "Synapse Credential User" role would be able to resolve this issue as well.