Synapse SQL Pool - Rename - Visual Studio Professional Subscription - Denies Permissions

Copper Contributor



Note this is related to modelling the requirement/development to enable the Synapse Test workspace/SQL pool creation process to restore the Synapse Production SQL pool for the purposes of release Testing later.


My Issue


Under the Visual Studio Professional Subscription I’ve created a resource group (roy-rg-data-ne-01), a Synapse workspace (roy-synapse-ne-01) including dedicated SQL pool (roysynsqlpool01 - turned off the GEO backups <£) …BUT…. there’s an Azure automagic resource group created (synapseworkspace-managedrg-xxx and there are some least privilege DENYs applied to it …AND… although it’s not visible the Synapse resources are related to both roy-rg-data-ne-01 and synapseworkspace-managedrg-xxx


No issues restoring but currently I have no ability to rename a SQL Pool including using the REST API. I believe these are due to DENY permissions


From what I understand they are inherited and denied to All principals. Is this something a SysAdmin can remove on synapseworkspace-managedrg-xxx under the Visual Studio Professional Subscription ?  


USE master;


ALTER DATABASE [20220414roysynsqlpool01]

MODIFY NAME = roysynsqlpool01;



Msg 49978, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

ALTER DATABASE NAME statement is not supported in a Synapse workspace. To update the name of a SQL pool, use the Azure Synapse Portal or the Synapse REST API.

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