Connecting to dedicated and serverless pool via Invoke-SqlCmd using Token-Authentication

Hello All, I'm a data engineer wearing the hat of an DevOps engineer currently. I'm having a big struggle with trying to execute a T-SQL statement (CREATE USER <<>> FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER) on an azure synapse dedicated or serverless pool but connected as an Azure AD User. I'm attempting to use Token-Authentication and am running the script in the context of the service connection running the azure pipeline, but no matter which resource endpoint I use to get the token from,, and, I'm getting this error Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>' - I can verify that I'm getting a valid token, but the connection is refused. Have others done this successfully?
5 Replies

Hi, have you been able to get any progress on this ? I am facing the same problem. :) I'm getting an access token from within my pipeline via `

az account get-access-token --resource=""` and try to use that token for connecting to the Synapse Serverless SQL Database using Invoke-SqlCmd, but I'm facing the same error as you're facing.
The service-principal that is behind the service-connection does have access-rights on Synapse.  (It's a synapse administrator)
I don't have all the rights needed but one of the suggestions was to use a new version of sqlcmd that does have the right capabilities. I'm waiting for my client to install it on the agent pools. Here is the repo on git:

You might try this in your environment.

Good luck!


@Lorrin Any luck solving the issue? It seems that I have a similar problem with getting the token from/for the Synapase Serverless SQL pool:



Unfortunately, we had to move onto other priorities.  Maybe I'll give go-sqlcmd again - see link in the thread in my own environment and report back.




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