Replicated item setting in ASR failover

Copper Contributor
Hi All,
Can someone help to get the details of replicated items computer and networking setting for replicated items in azure ASR through the LA workspace that would be very help to me
1 Reply



Settings themselves are not a logging event, only the actions are logged, success, errors etc...  You can see the computers and status


Monitor Azure Site Recovery with Azure Monitor Logs - Azure Site Recovery | Microsoft Docs

There is a good amount of data in our Log Analytics demo workspace, see example:

Go to Log Analytics and run query

AffectedObject VaultName Description_s Severity
CH-SQLVM CH-RV [ { "errorCategory": null, "possibleCauses": "HResult: -2146233088\nExtendedError: AuthenticationFailed-Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.\nRequestId:40ce68f1-d01e-002d-80f3-e28767000000\nTime:2021-01-04T23:43:58.3478949Z\n", "recommendation": "Retry the operation. If the issue persists, contact support.", "childErrors": [], "version": "2016-12-05", "creationTime": "2021-01-04T23:43:58.3674029Z", "errorCode": 181008, "errorMessage": "VM: 'CH-SQLVM'. Error: Snapshot Replication Engine encountered a fatal error AzureStorageException in ['Gateway.Service.StateMachine.SnapshotReplication.SnapshotReplicationEngineV1+WaitingForNextCycle' ('StartingReplicationCycle)]. The replication cycle is being aborted." } ] Critical