Need help with Custo

Brass Contributor

Hi All,


I have a query that I am running to fetch some data factory logs however the output contains a whole lot of JSON values so can't display them on ALA output console.


Hence I am extending them into an array and tried to display them one by one and it did work for me.
However, the real problem is to print the other values (n number of) of this array.

I am not sure if we can use any loop or something that can iterate until the last value of array and print this for me.


The query looks like this.....

| where PipelineName == "PL_Ingestion"
| where Status == "Succeeded" and OperationName has "Configtablelookup"
| extend d = parse_json(Output)
| extend targetTableName = d.value[0].TargetTable, startTime = d.value[0].ExtractionStartDateTime, trigger = d.value[0].TriggerName,  sourceTable = d.value[0].SourceTable
| project targetTableName, startTime, PipelineName, trigger, sourceTable
2 Replies

Hi @Clive_Watson ,
Thanks for your response.

I did try to run the below query after some suggested tweaking however the error that I am getting after running the below query is: -


{"errorMessage":"Value is too large to be parsed for logging"}


The query I am using is as follows: -


| where PipelineName == "PL_Ingestion"
| where Status == "Succeeded" and OperationName has "Configtablelookup"
| extend d = parse_json(Output)
| mv-expand d
| project d

// or I also used todynamic in place of parse_json

| where PipelineName == "PL_Ingestion"
| where Status == "Succeeded" and OperationName has "Configtablelookup"
| extend d = todynamic(Output)
| mv-expand d
| project d