Heartbeat Azure Monitoring the VM - piechart

Copper Contributor

I am trying to create a visualization on VMs to monitor whether they are up and running or not on a pie chart. I came upto below extent, but how to visualize the numbers - if I have a total of 10 VMs and if 8 are up and 2 are down on  pie?


Also, how to handle "0 records matched" case  instead of showing "No data for the given query" ?


| summarize max(TimeGenerated) by Computer
| where max_TimeGenerated < ago(15m)
| render piechart

1 Reply

You'll need to specify how you want your data aggregated before you plot it. In this case, try the following (rather verbose, to show the thinking process) query:

let healthyVMCountWindow = 30m; //time window we want to look at to identify how many healthy VMs we have
let healthyVMs = (){ //list healthy VMs over time window above
    | where TimeGenerated > ago(healthyVMCountWindow)
    | distinct Computer   
let totalVMCountWindow = 1d; //time window we want to look at to identify how many VMs we have in total
| where TimeGenerated > ago(totalVMCountWindow)
| distinct Computer
| extend isHealthy = iff(Computer in (healthyVMs), "healthy", "unhealthy") //create a new column called "isHealthy" where we will classify our machines
| summarize count() by isHealthy
| render piechart 

Try it out on our demo environment, here!