Conflict with custom time range when running scheduled Sentinel Alert - identityinfo

Copper Contributor

Hi team.
I'm working with Sentinel to create a custom alert rule in attempt to reduce the noise generated by false positives. I've went ahead and modified the out-of-the-box alert for "RDP Nesting" and leftanti joined the table "Identityinfo" to compare users' last names from the UPN in Azure AD to their non-federated identities associated with with VM signins by leveraging regex. Since users that sign into VMs everyday are not also signing in to Azure everyday, I had to set the time range search for Identity info to 90 days.

Here is the issue. When I run the KQL query pasted below, the query works as intended, only returning users not associated with the specified AAD Group performing this action. The issue comes when I enable it as an alert in Sentinel. It seems that the "Set query_now =" is also overriding "timegenerated" in identityinfo table and changing the expected results of the query. Any thoughts on how I might go about resolving? See query below:



let endtime = 1d;
let starttime = 8d;
// The threshold below excludes matching on RDP connection computer counts of 5 or more by a given account and IP in a given day.  Change the threshold as needed..
let threshold = 5;
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime) 
| where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
// Labeling the first RDP connection time, computer and ip
| extend
    FirstHop = TimeGenerated,
    FirstComputer = toupper(Computer),
    FirstIPAddress = IpAddress,
    Account = tolower(Account)  
| join kind=inner (
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime) 
    | where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
    // Labeling the second RDP connection time, computer and ip
    | extend
        SecondHop = TimeGenerated,
        SecondComputer = toupper(Computer),
        SecondIPAddress = IpAddress,
        Account = tolower(Account)
    on Account
// Make sure that the first connection is after the second connection --> SecondHop > FirstHop
// Then identify only RDP to another computer from within the first RDP connection by only choosing matches where the Computer names do not match --> FirstComputer != SecondComputer
// Then make sure the IPAddresses do not match by excluding connections from the same computers with first hop RDP connections to multiple computers --> FirstIPAddress != SecondIPAddress
| where FirstComputer != SecondComputer
    and FirstIPAddress != SecondIPAddress
    and SecondHop > FirstHop
// where the second hop occurs within 30 minutes of the first hop
| where SecondHop <= FirstHop + 30m
| distinct
// use left anti to exclude anything from the previous 7 days where the Account and IP has connected 5 or more computers.
| join kind=leftanti (
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime) and TimeGenerated < ago(endtime) 
    | where EventID == 4624 and LogonType == 10
    | summarize makeset(Computer), ComputerCount = dcount(Computer) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Account = tolower(Account), IpAddress
    // Connection count to computer by same account and IP to exclude counts of 5 or more on a given day
    | where ComputerCount >= threshold
    | mvexpand set_Computer
    | extend Computer = toupper(set_Computer)
    $left.SecondComputer == $right.Computer,
    $left.SecondIPAddress == $right.IpAddress
| summarize FirstHopFirstSeen = min(FirstHop), FirstHopLastSeen = max(FirstHop)
    by Account, FirstComputer, FirstIPAddress, SecondHop, SecondComputer, 
    SecondIPAddress, AccountType, Activity, LogonTypeName, ProcessName
| extend timestamp = FirstHopFirstSeen, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = FirstComputer, IPCustomEntity = FirstIPAddress,
    RegexLN = tostring (substring ((split(Account, '\\')[-1]), 1))
| project Account, FirstComputer, FirstIPAddress, SecondHop, SecondComputer, RegexLN,
    SecondIPAddress, AccountType, Activity, LogonTypeName, ProcessName, timestamp = FirstHopFirstSeen, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = FirstComputer, IPCustomEntity = FirstIPAddress
| extend AccountLastName = tostring (substring ((split(RegexLN, '.')[-1]), 0))   
//use left anti to return useraccounts that have no matched lastname within Azure AD Group for Company Read Only Subscription and are performing rdp actions
| join kind=leftanti (
    | where TimeGenerated > ago (90d)
    | where AccountName contains ""
    | where GroupMembership contains "Company Read Only Subscription"
    | extend AccountLastName = tostring (split(AccountName, '.')[-1])
    on AccountLastName




3 Replies
best response confirmed by CliveWatson (Microsoft)
There is a dedicated Sentinel channel.

Azure Sentinel rules have a max look back of 14days

There is a workaround (if you really need it). Tiander did a great webcast here: – watch it all :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:, but “14days use case” starts at 42min
I think I got it working by adjusting the max look back from 8 to 14 days.
Will need to keep an eye on it.



Hi there,


Hope you are doing well :).


I have noticed that you have set a custom time range in your search query and I would like to know how you set the look back time window(Lookup data from the last) in your analytics rule setting? Is your custom time range going to overwrite the look back window or it is going to be overwritten by the look back window?


Hope to hear from you soon!




1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by CliveWatson (Microsoft)
There is a dedicated Sentinel channel.

Azure Sentinel rules have a max look back of 14days

There is a workaround (if you really need it). Tiander did a great webcast here: – watch it all :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:, but “14days use case” starts at 42min

View solution in original post