Unwanted backslash in alert webhook


Hi there, I have a problem about alert webhook integration with slack.


My query of alert is the following


AzureActivity | where OperationName == "Update resource group" and ActivityStatus == "Succeeded"



And my JSON payload of webhook is here


{"text":"#A new resource group has been created. You can find the detail from <#linktosearchresults|OMS Search Results>"}



Then I got a webhook on my slack client and click the link defined "#linktosearchresults" to confirm the alert. But the query failed because there were some unwanted escape backslash in the query generated the link.


AzureActivity | where OperationName == \"Update resource group\" and ActivityStatus == \"Succeeded\"



Does anyone know the cause and the workaround?

2 Replies
Following, I have same issue


We were not able to reproduce this issue.

Can you please open a support ticket for us to investigate?