data collector does not understand data type.

Copper Contributor

I have write own logger into to log into log analytics.
There try to implement distributed tracing with help of activity class which is provided by core framework,

Issue is that when we are log TraceId into log as string , it's automatic consider as GUID and append dashes(-). so that we are not able to compare actual TraceId and logged TraceId.

here problem is Data Collector API does not understand proper data type.

fea47d6e-5871-c742-a07c-5073e8a7886c (logged TraceId)
fea47d6e5871c742a07c5073e8a7886c (original TraceId)

2 Replies

@DhruvBarot Can you please clarify which specific API you are using? Sample code demonstrating the issue would be even better. 

Best,  Michael

-AzMon Product Management

@Michael_Milirud we are using azure data collector API ( 

please find attached sample application to reproduce the issue.

let me know if you want to more details.