Microsoft Azure Hub-Spoke model by Enterprise Design part 3 of 4 Data Migration


SQL Cluster 02.png


Hyper-V Clusters front tier with SQL Clusters in the Backend

SQL assessment and Data Migration to Azure

This blogpost is about SQL assessment and Data Migration to your Azure design in the Cloud in a secure way.
Before you begin with your Data assessment and getting your workloads together with Microsoft Azure ServiceMaps, I wrote these blogposts about Microsoft Azure HUB – Spoke model by Enterprise Design :

  1. Microsoft Azure Hub-Spoke model by Enterprise Design 1 of 4
  2. Microsoft Azure Policy and BluePrints Overview (Extra Blogpost)
  3. Microsoft Azure Hub-Spoke model by Enterprise Design 2 of 4 “Lift and Shift”

For Microsoft SQL databases there are different Azure Solutions in the Cloud possible, but first you need to know which versions of SQL do you have and how are they running now in your Datacenter?

Read more on my Blogpost here about Azure Data Migration#MVPbuzz#MVPbuzz




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