I need my migrated server to have same private IP as source server !

Copper Contributor
Hello guys,
So we are migrating a big load of servers into azure using ASR. Our infrastructure will end up being hybrid .
Users will be accessing the azure VMs using S2S vpn .
But , we have locally hosted applications , websites , mobile apps , sql servers communicating with the “ soon to be migrated “ servers using their private IPs.
Is there any way I can retain the public IPs of the source servers into the target servers and still have a vpn connection to work ?
Let me know if you need more explanation .
1 Reply

You can certainly create the same address space for the vnet in Azure as on prem. The issue will be routing if the subnet still exists on prem. You will not be able to get the proper connectivity over the site to site vpn. My suggestion would be to alter the connection strings or configure to reference DNS not ips before the move operation.

